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64 Ferguson Street
Cessnock, NSW, 2325


Personal Pain Relief

Magnetic Ankle Support

Magnetic Ankle Support


The magnetic Ankle Support gives firm fitting support to help aid mobility and relieve foot pain, while providing magnetic therapy around the ankle with 7 x 1000 gauss range therapeutic magnets.

Made from comfortable and hand washable neoprene

One size fits all.

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Arthritic pain and sporting injuries can be relieved with the help of magnets applied near the source of the pain.

The magnetic field will help to increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation and swelling, accelerate healing and speed up recovery.

Magnetic products are not recommended for use by those individuals with pacemakers, internal insulin pumps, defibrillators or any other electro medical devices.

Not recommended during pregnancy.

Keep magnets away from computer discs, video and audio cassettes and credit cards.