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64 Ferguson Street
Cessnock, NSW, 2325


Magnetic Lathe Cleaner

Magnetic Broom

Magnetic Lathe Cleaner

Magnetic Lathe Cleaner


This magnetic pick-up tool is extremely useful in picking up metal waste around lathe machines and metal waste in confined areas.

It is 19cm long (Plus the handle) 25mm wide x 25mm deep.

Comes with a removable cover - simply put the cover over the magnetic lathe cleaner, wave it past the components you wish to pick up, then remove the cover from the lathe cleaner over a bin and the contents will fall into the bin.

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We have a very versatile tool for picking up metal waste in confined areas.

A small hand held unit that can be kept in the cabin of tractors, utes, any vehicle.

Has proven to be useful in cases of tools lost in the farm paddocks, especially when farmers are doing repairs at night.