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64 Ferguson Street
Cessnock, NSW, 2325


Comet Magnetic Broom

Magnetic Broom

Comet Magnetic Broom

Comet Magnetic Broom


This magnetic broom is designed for picking up metal waste from factory floors, nails from construction sites, needles from operating theatre floors, pins from sewing room floors and swarth from workshops.

Simply place the snap lock canvas cover over the broom head, pick up the metal objects, un-snap canvas cover and pour into the bin.

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  • It's practical
  • Light and easy to use
  • Easily transported with an extendable handle
  • Removable cover for easy cleaning
  • Powder coated extendable metal handle (75cm to 125cm) locks with a twist
  • Handle can be wound out to enable unit to fit in all utes and 4x4 bikes
  • Can be made wider to suit your requirements
  • A unique gift for a husband or father
  • And - IT WORKS!